
This consultancy firm specialises in agile project management. They faced challenges in efficiently searching their extensive CV database and matching the right resources to specific client roles. The manual process was time-consuming and could result in less-than-optimal allocations, affecting project outcomes and client satisfaction. They use Slack as their internal communication channel and didn’t want to add a new application and new set of sign-ons to their estate and so specified that the solution should surface through Slack.

How Great Wave AI helped

The consultancy firm partnered with Great Wave AI to implement a GenAI-powered solution to streamline and enhance their resource allocation process. The solution included:

1. Intelligent CV Search: A GenAI agent was deployed to analyse and index the CV database, allowing for nuanced searches based on skills, experience, and project requirements. The AI used natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context of each CV, ensuring a more accurate match.

2. Role Matching Optimisation: Another agent was designed to match the analyzed CVs with open roles. This agent considered not only the technical skills but also soft skills, cultural fit, and availability, providing a holistic approach to resource allocation.

3. Automated Recommendations: The system provided automated recommendations for suitable candidates, which were then reviewed by the client’s HR and project managers for final selection.


The implementation of the GenAI-powered system at this consultancy firm led to several positive outcomes:

1. Increased Efficiency: The time taken to search and match CVs was reduced by 80%, allowing for quicker placement of resources in appropriate roles.

2. Improved Match Quality: The intelligent matching process ensured that candidates were better suited to the roles, leading to higher client satisfaction and more successful project outcomes.

3. Enhanced Decision-Making: Automated recommendations supported HR and project managers in making informed decisions, optimising the use of available talent within the consultancy.

If you’d like to know more about how Great Wave AI can help your business, please contact us at